Nabídka účasti - 2017 Academy Seminar 1: Hospital Pharmacy Practice Research / Seminar 2: Antibiotic Stewardship Tisk
Hodnocení uživatelů: / 1
Napsal uživatel Martin Šimíček   
Neděle, 23 Duben 2017 21:15
Vážení nemocniční lékárníci,
věnujte, prosím, pozornost nabídce EAHP na dva Academy Semináře, které se budou konat ve Vídni v termínu, 29. září -1. října 2017. Podrobnosti k programu budou ještě upřesněny, sledujte webové stránky EAHP ZDE

Seminar 1: Hospital Pharmacy Practice Research – Scientific Quality

Seminar 2: Antibiotic Stewardship for Beginners

Z každé země se každého semináře mohou účastnit dva nemocniční lékárníci. Naší podmínkou je členství v SNL,  vypracování zprávy ze služební cesty a prezentace na Kongresu nemocničních lékárníků. Přihlášky posílejte na adresu: Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript do 15. května 2017. Při větším počtu zájemců provedou výběr členové výboru SNL.
PharmDr. Petr Horák, předseda SNL ČFS
nejaktuálnější podrobnosti z e-mailu EAHP čtěte níže:
Participant requirements:
All participants to the Academy seminar must:
  1. be hospital pharmacists recommended by each country’s national association president;
  2. be fluent in English;
  3. attend all seminar sessions;
  4. complete seminar evaluation form;
  5. give presentation and/or demonstrate knowledge gained during workshops and seminar concluding session;
  6. must disseminate the knowledge obtained during the academy seminar within their country via seminars or workshops and provide documentation that dissemination was done (i.e. national workshop agendas) The national associations then need to report back on how this was accomplished to the EAHP via the country report which is presented each year during the EAHP General assembly.
Additional requirements:
Seminar 1 - Be hospital pharmacists who have already been or wish to be involved in the planning to implement pharmaceutical research in their hospital;
Seminar 2 - Be hospital pharmacists who wish to learn about the tasks of an antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist.                       
Dissemination within each country is critical to the overall success of the Academy Seminars and more importantly, to the success in implementing the European Statements on Hospital Pharmacy. The budget allocated to the Academy Seminars is substantial and it is important that EAHP be able to assess the learning outcomes via dissemination. The EAHP office will be in contact with the seminar delegates to request dissemination activities.
EAHP will strictly enforce this policy and should participants not meet the requirements, EAHP will not pay for the hotel accommodations, meals, any other expenses, and participants will be responsible for payment upon departure from the hotel or EAHP may require reimbursement from the national association.
Please note that:
EAHP will cover the expenses for the seminar registration, hotel accommodation for the 3 nights (September 28 – September 29 - September 30) as well as official meals. Travel expenses have to be covered by the participants or your organisation. Extra nights will be paid directly by participants to the hotel upon the check-out at the hotel reception. The official language of the seminar is English.
Academy Seminar Programme:
The 2 programmes will be soon available on the EAHP website, so please watch this space in the near future.



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Aktualizováno Neděle, 23 Duben 2017 21:29